Lets Connect

Streamoid is a Fashion AI innovator driven by the singular vision of powering intelligent shopping experiences — for shoppers and retailers across the world. Based out of Bangalore and New York, our diverse team presents the perfect blend of technology and fashion that characterises every Streamoid product and solution.

We believe in specialization

The Streamoid journey began in 2013, at a point when many in the fashion industry considered their online business an add on. We ignored all the diversification advice we got, and focused deeply on fashion. Today, our AI powers some of the world’s biggest brands, while offering emerging businesses all they need to confidently navigate new frontiers.

We build mind-machine partnerships

AI isn’t a replacement for human intellect but an opportunity for it to do more than it ever has. Our solutions not only release people from mechanical tasks, but augment their productivity, performance and ability to dream bigger. We enable a mind-machine symbiosis that aims to achieve dramatically better results that neither could have achieved on its own.

We love obsessively crafted things

Whether it’s a perfectly tailored coat, or the technology that helps us find one that is perfect for us — everything must be well designed, and equally well made. Our engineers are as meticulous as our stylists are discerning, working together to create products and solutions that work seamlessly.

We never take the lazy way out

Easy to use is seldom easy to make. We’ve honed our expertise on the job, creating solutions that are fine tuned to those it empowers. Years of research have gone into building the backbone of Streamoid — a comprehensive geographically nuanced personalised styling platform. We identify real problems that fashion retailers face and build scalable solutions that catalyse growth.

Today we are working with clients worldwide, from large department stores to smaller boutique brands. Every catalog and customer interaction adds knowledge to our fashion intelligence. And what’s more, we never forget what we learn.

In line with its innovative spirit, Streamoid currently holds three granted patents and two that are pending approval.

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